In a recent client survey of the DOTS client community, I was intrigued by the response to the questions relating to the greatest challenges facing learning and development professionals. There were a few. Employee engagement was high ranking in the survey responses across all industry sectors and sizes of organisations.
I am interested in learning more about this challenge. There are a couple of questions in particular that I am going to add to my conversations with clients in the near future. These are;
Is employee engagement an equal reciprocal relationship or is it weighted more to the employer or to the employee? I am referring to responsibility and activity undertaken to improve engagement. I know one colleague who is a HR consultant who would argue adamantly that the bulk of responsibility for employee engagement rests with the employee. What is your opinion?
The second question I am asking is around different perceptions of employee engagement based on generational differences. I do not buy into a lot of the stereotypes about generational differences although there are some that warrant attention. I am interested in employee engagement as a derivative of leadership and how this may require different tactics for the different generations or age brackets within a diverse organisation.
As always, please let us know if you have some ideas and/or experiences you would like to share in these areas.